April is National Poetry Month! An Interview with Dr. Jane Beal on “Dr. Andy’s Poetry and Technology Hour” (KDVS)

On Wednesday, April 13th, I was delighted to be interviewed by Dr. Andy Jones on “Dr. Andy’s Poetry and Technology Hour” (KDVS). I had the opportunity to share a narrative poem, “The Ballad of the Unicorn Bones,” and a lyric poem, “Perspectives,” both from my poetry collection, Made in the Image (Lulu, 2009) as well as a haiku from my haiku micro-chap, Garden (Origami Poems, 2019):

afternoon sunlight
a green leaf in deep water
reaches for the sky


We chatted about remote teaching, my studies in the MFA in Creative Nonfiction and Certificate in Narrative Medicine programs at Bay Path University, my academic books in progress, including Becoming the Pearl-Poet: Perceptions, Connections, Receptions (Rowman and Littlefield, forthcoming 2022) and Truth and Transformation in the Mythology of J.R.R. Tolkien (McFarland, under contract), and a little bit about my inter-continental travel adventures for ministry, midwifery, and medieval conferences. Dr. Andy also shared about UC Davis’ upcoming Picnic Day and Whole Earth Festival, inviting everyone to come to those events and enjoy them. Thank you so much for including me in your radio show, Dr. Andy! 🙂

The interview, beginning about half-way through the hour (at 35:35 min), is now available as a podcast episode on AmazonMusic.

Please enjoy!